job shop

The Unsung Hero: The Impact of a Great Office Manager in a Fabrication and Metrology Facility

The Unsung Hero: The Impact of a Great Office Manager in a Fabrication and Metrology Facility

In the fast-paced and precision-driven world of fabrication and metrology, the spotlight often shines on the engineers, welders, and technicians who create and measure with exacting detail. However, behind every successful operation, there is often an unsung hero ensuring that everything runs smoothly: the office manager. A great office manager brings a diverse skill set…

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640 640 kevin hupfer
Job Shop Job Talk: Decoding the Inside Baseball of Engineering and Fabrication Facilities

Job Shop Job Talk: Decoding the Inside Baseball of Engineering and Fabrication Facilities

Welcome to "Job Shop Job Talk," your guide to the fascinating world of engineering and fabrication facilities. If you've ever walked through a bustling shop floor, you know it’s a place where expertise meets creativity. It’s also a place where the language can feel like a secret code. Let's dive into the inside baseball of…

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640 640 kevin hupfer